Flying for Blackfoot Air Charters sends a pilot out across the wide open places that make Montana so special. Most any airport is open but here are a few suggestions to get you started. Pick an aircraft that fits the mission and fly it. All of these airports can be found on AirNav. (Although not strictly necessary we appreciate pilots who bring their aircraft back when they are done.)

Fire Call! Fire Call! Fire Call! With the west in the grip of a worsening drought and active fires throughout the region OVA assets through our subsidiary Blackfoot Air Charters are desperately needed to get crew and supplies into the interior of the north west. Our job is to ensure those fighting the fires can get where they need to go and have what they need when they get there. The operation is based out of Missoula (KMSO) with cargo and passenger flights to Kalispell (KFCA), Yellowstone (KWYS), Spokane (KGEG), Rock Creek (RC0), Nine Mile (MT52), Mineral County (924), and Shoshone County (8S3). The Forest Service ramp are the parking spots furthest west and Neptune Aviation, who's P2V is in the picture, is located in the triangle between runways 25 and 29. Flights must continue until the this notice is removed.

Departing KMSO:
-Pick up a rancher at Ravalli County Airport (6S5) and bring them into Missoula for a visit with their tax attorney. They'll most likely ask to fly home after dinner at the Montana Club so you may need to make two trips. The Bitterroot Valley is spectacular at night.
-Fly a local radio personality and his fiance to Seeley Lake Airport (23S) for a weekend of fishing and relaxation. If you take a plane that can land on the lake, they might like that a bit better. They have a car hired to take them back so no need for a return trip.
-Take the Commodore of the South Flathead Yacht Club to the Dayton Yacht Harbor. Dayton is easy to find and you can't miss the big pier. You'll definitely want a float plane for this trip. Conversely you could take him to Polson (8S1) but that isn't as convenient. Don't have to land on the lake though if you do.
-Drop a couple off at the Paws Up Resort north of town. You'll need to not only find the resort but a good landing spot as well. If you take a smaller bush plane you'll need to make two trips. Good luck and let's hope they tip well.
-Medevac a hiker out of Schafer Meadows (8U2). They've injured their leg so no need for an aircraft that can take a stretcher. This is a great flight to make sure real weather is on. Experience the rapidly changing weather and altitude Montana has to offer.
-Transport a bow hunting guide and his party of two to Wheatland County (Harlowton (KHWQ)) Airport for some antelope hunting. They'd like to go in some style and have plenty of gear with them. Plan accordingly.
-A smokejumper needs rapid transit to the fire camp located at the Mineral County Airport (9S4). The Forest Service has contracted you to get them there as quickly as you can.
-Western Montana is known for it's fishing. Take a fly fisherman to one of the finest trout streams in the world, Rock Creek (RC0). The approach can be tricky so mind so keep your wits about you.
-Blackfoot Charters has a motor yacht, the M/V Grizzly moored in Skeeko Bay on Flathead Lake. Fly a couple in for their honeymoon weekend.